» Protein casserole with cheese. Sirna casserole in a multicooker for the diet of P'єra Dukan: recipes and recommendations Protein casserole

Protein casserole with cheese. Sirna casserole in a multicooker for the diet of P'єra Dukan: recipes and recommendations Protein casserole

Protein shake after training is a classic. Ale vikoristati protein powder can be done in a different way. Why do you need yoga for your culinary experiments? That axis why:

  • It's delicious. Just one spoonful of protein with chocolate, vanilla, yagіdnym or other favorites of your relish turn the tedious rankovu vіvsyanku into a savory lively dessert.
  • It's scary. A spoon-friend of protein powder enriches your culinary masterpiece with protein - and you will need more wine, you know.
  • It's low calorie. If you add protein to the soup or a dessert, you can do without zucru, even if the powder itself is worth the salt, as it is often non-caloric. Until then, zavdyaki authorities, protein can often be replaced borosno, and as a result, your dish will have less carbohydrates and more protein.

The most universally important is the gray protein, and in the preparation of the most versatile vicarious itself is yogo. Vtim, egg, soviet, or rich-component tezh are good. And the axis of the yalovichi through a specific color is not the best option. That variety is the most common thing, lower in other protein sums - it is unlikely that you would like to stain such a product in a kitchen experiment.

Sirniki with protein


  • Sir 0% - 500 g
  • Protein (vanilla or banana) - 1 scoop (30 g)
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Borosno whole grain - 2 tbsp.

Better take soft sir, but if you have grains, grind it through a sieve or refine it with a blender. Beat the eggs, mix z|іz| Sirom. Okremo mix well with protein, then in the dry mix to sir, good rozmishyuchi. Place a thin spoon on a hot non-stick frying pan, cook on full fire under the lid, brushing 1-2 quills from the skin side.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 18 g
  • Fat - 3 g
  • Carbohydrates - 7 g
  • Calorie content - 121 kcal

Vіvsyanе oven with protein


  • Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі – 100 g
  • Protein (chocolate or banana) - 1 stingy
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.

Plastіvtsі zmіshati with protein, add zhovki and relatively sіmіshat. Cool the squirrels and beat them with a mixer until I become a drunken pine. It’s even more careful, so as not to crush the bulbs, to rub the white pin into the dough. Laid out on deco, covered with paper for vaping - the volume of one stove can be no more than 5 mm. Put the oven in the oven up to 190C for 15-20 chills.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 20 g
  • Fat - 9 g
  • Carbohydrates - 30 g
  • Calorie content - 273 kcal

Vegan corn milk with protein


  • Boroshno kukurudziane - 100 g
  • Soy protein (caramel or banana) - 1 stingy
  • Banana - ½ pc.
  • Soda - 2/3 tsp

Mix all the ingredients by hand or with a blender. Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook on it with a lid, brushing 1-2 quills from the skin side.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 16 g
  • Fat - 2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 46 g
  • Calorie content - 269 kcal

Greek muffins with protein


  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Protein (chocolate or vanilla) - 1 stingy
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Boroshno buckwheat - 25 g

Beat eggs with milk, mix protein with boar. Mix it up and pour it out at the muffin molds. Vip_kati in the oven close to 25 hvilin|minutes| at 160˚С.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 12 g
  • Fat - 6 g
  • Carbohydrates - 8 g
  • Calorie content - 130 kcal

Sirna casserole with protein at the multicooker


  • Sir 0% - 500 g
  • Protein (vanilla or caramel) - 1 stingy
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cinnamon to taste

See squirrels from zhovtkiv. Rub the cheese through a sieve. Zmіshayte zhovtki z|іz| sir, add | add | protein and cinnamon. Cool the egg whites and beat with a mixer until you get a piss, carefully rub it into the dough. Pour sumish into the bowl of the multicooker and cook 45-50 quills in the "drip" mode. You can cook a casserole at the oven for a temperature of 180˚С.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 18 g
  • Fat - 3 g
  • Carbohydrates - 2 g
  • Calorie content - 105 kcal

Porridge with protein and cashews


  • Plastіvtsі vіvsyanі or barley - ½ tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Protein (chocolate or midnight) - 2 skupi
  • Cashew - 20 g

Bring the milk to a boil, boil the plastic, boil it on the right heat until ready, stirring constantly. Let's let the porridge cool down and boil the protein (hot porridge is not guilty of buti, otherwise the protein will burn). Mix it up, sip the beast with the chickpeas.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 17 g
  • Fat - 7 g
  • Carbohydrates - 14 g
  • Calorie content - 183 kcal

Homemade protein bars


  • Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі – 100 g
  • Protein (chocolate) - 2 sting
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tsp
  • Chocolate 80% - 20 g
  • Yoghurt 0% - 120 g

Mix all the ingredients together, cream chocolate, and form bars. Cover them with melted chocolate and put them in the refrigerator for zastigannya. After 2-3 years, or else you can be half-assed.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 23 g
  • Fat - 6 g
  • Carbohydrates - 30 g
  • Calorie content - 261 kcal

Lower protein pudding


  • Milk - 400 ml
  • Protein (vanilla) - 2 mean
  • Corn starch - 25 g
  • Hazelnut - 20 g

In a couple of tablespoons of warm milk, grind starch. Pour protein with other milk and mix well, so that there are no breasts. Heat milk with protein on a proper fire - it can be warm, but not hot at the same time. Pour in milk with starch, thoroughly mix and pour into cups. Take the pudding from the refrigerator for 3-4 years to make. When serving, sip in sourdough peas.

KBJU per 100 g:

  • Proteins - 12 g
  • Fat - 6 g
  • Carbohydrates - 10 g
  • Calorie content - 141 kcal

Style Pouch

When preparing protein ingredients, it is important to mix the ingredients well, otherwise the proteins will burn and you will take away the unappetizing hard breasts - still unacceptable, lower in the kindergarten manna porridge. Even if your protein is not too licorice, you can beat it up when preparing different flavors. Come on and splendid tsukor, but in this season, do not forget to coriguvat KBZhU - you yourself should be treated with honey, fructose or sorbitol.

2 packs of low-fat syrah 200 g each (like tev'є milkman, rosagroexport, ruzky sir ta іn)
1 egg
50 g kefir,
0.5 tsp sodi (repay in lemon juice),
for the taste
1 st. l. corn starch,
1 teaspoon of a new cocktail (it can be neutral, so it can be savored).

Description of the preparation method:

It’s more savory, food, juice, and the smut is “more white” casserole :)

Yakscho prot z yakimos with relish and licorice, even sakhzama mensha і without adding flavoring. I bake in two options, the insults appear the same for the consistency, but with a neutral flavor, there is more sir, and with a savory flavor, there is more flavor and aroma of the flavor. Obidva fit.

My order has 75 g of protein.

Otzhe, vіdokremlyuєmo belok vіd zhovtka. Bіlok zbivaemo z dodavannyam dec. a dash of lemon juice to a crisp stump. Zhovtok zbivaemo with adding hot water (1 tbsp. L.), Then we zmishuєmo, add one by one packs of syrup, zbivaemo, add kefir, sakhzam, protein, soda, aromatic. To go out is the same, food mass. Vikladaemo її in a silicone form. Bake at the front of the grilled oven up to 160 * with a stretch of 40 minutes.


We need

  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 1 scoop protein
  • 500 g syrah
  • cinnamon (for relish)
  • stevia or sumish tsukativ (for relish)

cook Sirnu casserole with protein even simpler, but with a multicooker it’s even simpler! Learn from me, an unacquainted culinary specialist, to cook from the first time. The recipe contains Syntrax Nectar Whey Protein Isolate with vanilla flavor. Naturally, you can beat any other protein that suits you best. Chi is not grain syr 5% fat, call me I buy yogo for vaga, because. wine soft for consistency and savory. Chicken eggs "SV", tobto. tables of eggs of the highest category, stinks are the most important among chickens.

Cooking process

  1. We recommend 500 g of syrup from a serving of protein.
  2. Let's add cinnamon. For bazhannyam you can add stevia or dried fruits. I know everything is changed.
  3. Okremo zmіshuєmo squirrels in the form of three eggs.
  4. Proteins are added to the protein sum and everything is mixed thoroughly.
  5. Pour over the sumish into the bowl of the multicooker. We select the “boiling” mode and install a timer for 45 minutes.
  6. Sirno-protein casserole is ready!

Before speech, I didn’t stain the multicooker bowl itself. I use a Panasonic multicooker, I have a non-stick inner lining of the bowl. After preparing the cheese casserole, let it cool down, and it’s best to take it for a year in the refrigerator. Savory!

- Chudova strava, yak can be served to the table for a snack, for an obid, and for a supper. The multicooker allows you to optimize and simplify the process of preparing the sauce.

Sirn casseroles can be different: with additive ingredients and without them, licorice and salty.

By itself, the casserole is not a dietary herb. And let me tell you, how you can cook a low-calorie sirna casserole in different models of multicookers, as additional ingredients you can beat.

Recipe for preparing a dietary cheese casserole in a slow cooker

To prepare a simple dietary sirna casserole, you need the following products:

We break eggs in a deep bowl, add strength, vanilla zukor, zukrozaminnik. We beat the masa with a mixer at the maximum speed by stretching three quills, until the masa becomes light and does not increase in two.

Dali into this bowl through a dribne sieve, we wipe the fat sir, pour it into the new kefir. At qiu, sumish add manna groats and mix the breasts with medium density. When ready, it will be necessary to move the bowl of the multicooker at the prepared bowl. In order to prepare the test for the pastry, it is necessary to cover the bottom and the walls in the middle of the bowl with olive oil.

After that, as it was poked into the bowl, the multicooker can be plugged into the socket, close the lid of the accessory, set the brewing mode at 140 degrees. The casserole is prepared 40-45 quills.

In addition, as a tool to tell you about the readiness of the stray, do not hurry to open the lid, fill the casserole for 10 minutes more, do not see hot steam. Then you can open the lid and move the finished casserole to a dish, serve it to the table.

Korisnі porade when preparing porridge

  • Lovers of more malty grasses can get a lot of zukra substitute, but don’t get drunk, shards of yoga can give the grass a bit too hot.
  • If you are afraid that the casserole will land to the Teflon bottom of the bowl, you can hang it in the middle with a baking paper, dipped in dewy oil, and even on the papier you can lay it dry.
  • If the multicooker in the specified mode dries out the dish, you can select the “Multi-cook” mode (120 degrees for 50-55 chills).
  • It is necessary to remember that the valve of the multicooker can be at the “Vidkritiya” position.

The nuances of preparing casseroles with syrup in multicookers of different brands

Select the cooking mode. The lower sirna casserole for this recipe can be prepared in any model of multicookers Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Mulinex, Phillips and other brands.

Dietological zastosuvannya

A casserole with low-fat syrah is wonderfully suitable for a dietary meal. A savory sirna casserole is cooked in a slow cooker with a light consistency at the bottom.

Through the special features of the cup, it’s not varto chekata in her pijari zest, but the savory taste of the streak is guaranteed.

Strava is miraculously suitable for people, like chasing after their own vaga, go in for sports. Oskіlki such a casserole is not high, but the supply of carbohydrates and fats in the body is not supplied. I alive protein low-fat syrup, for which a casserole is prepared in a multi-cooker, it will be good. Adzhe same vin є "budmaterial" for building up the m'yazovoi mass of the body.

Therefore, a dietary sirna zapіkanka is one of the stav, which is optimally suited for the diet of eating sportsmen: protein and enzymes rich, and there is little fat and lactose.

Zavdyaki multivartsi such a casserole can become brown low-calorie snack. It will be enough just in the evening to cook all the necessary products, put them in a slow cooker, and, having turned on the required mode, turn off the timer, which will start the line.

Culinary zastosuvannya

To finish the sirna casserole is often prepared with additive ingredients, so as to improve the її relish, vigor, and harm the grass: